Game drives in Lake Mburo

Game drives in Lake Mburo :Lake Mburo national park is the nearest park to the capital city of Uganda Kampala; the park is named after the lake Mburo it in. The park is one of Uganda’s smallest national parks covering an area of 370 kilometers squared with a total of five lakes within its boundary.

Game drives in Lake Mburo

Lake Mburo national park is characterized with swamps, lakes, rocky hills, lush forests, bush thickest, Savannah woodlands and so much more.

Game drives

Lake Mburo  national park boasts with various game drive trails while on a game drive tourists can spot animals such as impalas, zebras, elands, Topi, antelopes, bush rat, slender mongoose, duiker, Oribis, Bogor reedbuck, giraffes, hippos, crocodiles and Klipspringers to mention a few.

Lake Mburo national is also one of the national parks where night game drives can be conducted in the night time staring from 6:30 to 7:00 lasting for two to three hours tourists can see nocturnal animals like hippopotamus and hyenas going out for the night.

The best time to conduct game drives in Lake Mburo national park is during early morning hours and late afternoon where you can encounter various wildlife. The best time of the year to for game drives is during the dry season from June to September and December to February when the animals are concentrated on the water sources of the park.

Bird watching

A part from game drives in Lake Mburo national park tourists can also go for bird watching. The park is home to over 359 bird species some of this includes red faced barbet, brown chested lapwing, Ross’s turaco, emerald spotted wood dove, green wood hoopoe, bare chested go away bird, long tailed cisticola, yellow breasted apalis, African fin- foot and many others.

Wildlife nature walks

Lake Mburo is one of the safest national parks to tale a wildlife nature walk like the hyena walk at 6:30 where you can encounter the hyenas returning to their dens, walk to the Rubanga forest or to the salt lick where you’re able to observe various animals.

Horse riding safaris

Lake Mburo national park is the only place where tourists can explore the immense wildlife species on a horse back safari, horse riding safaris can be arranged even during night time and the cost depends on the hours taken on the safari. For a horse riding safari you must contact Mihingo lodge.

When visiting Lake Mburo national park, tourists can sleep in lodges such as Mburo safari lodge, Mihingo lodge and Rwonyo rest camp. The best time for visiting Lake Mburo national park is from June to September and December to February. Lake Mburo national park can be accessed within 3-4 hours drive from Kampala.

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