Touring Tea Plantations in Rwanda : Tea plantations are a major tourist attraction in Rwanda. Tea was introduced in Rwanda in 1952 and is currently one of the country’s biggest commodities. The prolific volcanic soil and mildness make for a wonderful tea-growing environment. There are presently 24,000 hectares of tea and 18 tea factory lines in Rwanda. The development of the profoundly coordinated sub-area has prompted the development of about 21 cooperatives. Most of the tea is grown on enormous estates, with little commitment from tea cooperatives and private producers. Tea plants can be visible covering the cascading slopes, their rich green a striking contrast to the blue skies, country roads, and daylight. It is truly a picturesque scenery that you may want to see on your next Rwanda tour. They provide a unique opportunity to see how tea is grown and processed, as well as the workers who produce it. Because they are located in such close proximity to the capital city, they can be visited as part of a day-trip from the city. Visiting a tea plantation is an interesting and educational experience for anyone who loves tea and wants to see where it comes from. It is also a great way to support the local economy and encourage more Rwandans to work at producing this beautiful product. Tea plantations are an excellent way to learn about the history of Rwanda and the rich culture of the local people.
More than just an interesting place to visit, tea plantations are actually an important part of Rwanda’s economy. The production of tea in the country accounts for roughly 1% of Rwanda’s GDP every year. In a country that is still very reliant on foreign aid, this is a significant contribution that is helping to build the country’s economy and create jobs.
As any tea drinker knows, a great cup of tea starts with high quality tea leaves. One of the most important factors in making good tea is the terroir or growing conditions in which the plants are grown. There are two main tea growing plantations in Rwanda and they are both located near the rich soils of Nyungwe Forest National Park; Gisakura, Gatare and Gisovu Tea Estates.
Hugging the undulating hills at the western fringes of Nyungwe Forest National Park, the Gisakura Tea Estate is among the most famous of Rwanda’s tea plantations, and certainly among the most beautiful.
Found at the far northern edge of Nyungwe Public Park, the sparkling fields and twisting pathways of the Gisovu Tea Estate sit straight facing the wild Nyungwe woods, where the careful lines of tea draw a sharp difference with the natural forest vegetation simply behind them. The estate offers both day tours and lodging, so after a visit through the grounds and cupping service, those with extra time can loosen up here, mountain through the grounds and Nyungwe trails, or basically, sunbathe in the tranquility of Rwandan evenings over rich cups of the world’s best tea.
Another major tea growing estate in Rwanda located near Nyungwe Forest National Park is Gatare Tea Estate. Its greatness of slopes, combined with the serene view of the forest, also the overwhelming appearances of Mount Muzimu and the Congo Nile will blow your mind.
If you’re a tea lover and you happen to tour Africa, Rwanda tea eastates are a must see for you. Aside the tea estates, there’s so much more you can see on a Rwanda tour such as their diverse wildlife!