Very interesting facts about Rwanda
Very interesting facts about Rwanda : Rwanda is a landlocked country located in Central East Africa bordered by Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and Congo covering a total area of 26,336 kilometers squared. Below are some of the interesting facts about Rwanda that’s always been known as the Switzerland of Africa.
The head of state in Rwanda is a president that’s elected by citizens after every seven years; he creates policy along with his cabinet, negotiating and signing treaties, declaring war on a state of emergency, commanding the army and appointing the prime minister and cabinet.
The United Nations appointed an international tribunal in 1995 to deal with the people responsible for the Rwandan genocide.
The first European to explore Rwanda was Gustav Adolf Von Gotzen. He explored the country in 1894.
The Karasimbi volcano in the Virunga mountain range is the highest point in Rwanda on an elevation of 4,519 meters above sea level.
The president of Rwanda and Burundi were all killed in 1994 when their plane was shot down in Kigali Rwanda.
Lake Kivu, Lake, lake Ihema, Lake Burera, lake Ruhondo and Lake Mugeresa are the main water bodies in Rwanda.
The most dominated religions in Rwanda are Catholics, Protestants, seventh day Adventists and Muslim.
The national currently of Rwanda is Rwandan franc.
The main languages spoken in Rwanda are Kinyarwanda, French, English and Kiswahili.
In December 1985, the author of the Gorillas in the Mist Dian Fossey was killed in Karisoke research institute in Rwanda. The reasons why gorillas are trekked today are because of Dian Fossey efforts in conservation of gorillas’ hat led to her death.
Rwanda and Burundi became part of the German East Africa in 1990.
Rwanda was captured by Belgian during the First World War.
The first immigrants of Rwanda were the TWA people (pygmies), the Hutu people settle in Rwanda in the 11th century and the Tutsi migrated to Rwanda around the 15thcentury.
Rwanda attained its independence from Belgium in 1962.
After the First World War, Ruanda-Urundi became a League of Nations trust territory administered by Belgium.
Cattle and agriculture is the traditional way of life in Rwanda, the people of Rwanda don’t form villages but each family is surrounded by its fields.
The protected areas in Rwanda cover about 9% of the national territory; the protected areas make up 3 national parks and other protected areas.
The Kigali genocide memorial commemorates the events of the 1994 Rwandan genocide with over 250,000 people interred there with their remains at the time of death.
The Rwandan Parliament has got more female members than any other country in the world followed by Sweden. 56% of Rwanda’s members of parliament are women.
Rwanda doesn’t allow plastic bags; in case you enter the country with a plastic bag it will be confiscated.
Rwanda is one of the cleanest countries in the world, because every last Saturday of the month everyone including the president participates in cleaning their neighborhood.
Flip flop sandals were banned in Rwanda in an effort to combat jiggers